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Simutrans 99.13
Hier die 99.13. Auffällig durfte das schnellere Scrollen mit der rechten Maustaste sein. Außerdem braucht das Passagierrouting nur noch 25% der Rechenzeit im Vergleich zur 99.12. Das betriff insbesondere Passagierspiele mit vielen Züge auf langsameren Rechnern. Ansosnten sind die Weltrekorde vermutlich das auffälligste.

Neue Programme
Windows GDI (neu) (Benutzer von Win98/Me brauchen noch unicows.dll!)
Windows SDL (neu)
Linux SDL (neu)
BeOS Allegro (neu)

Basis Pak64
64pak Version (neu)
64pak Lebensmittelkette
64pak Müllverbrennung (neu)

Wirklich nicht mehr zu empfehlen, oder mit viel Handarbeit: Neue Kreuzungen, neuen Zeichensatz und aktuelle Übersetzugen runterladen

makeobj 47

Im Detail:
FIX: airplanes got confused, when the ground under them changed
FIX: (z9999) show factory detail info
FIX: (kierongreen) Removing tram tracks from road caused crash
FIX: restore speed limit after crossing deletion
FIX: deletion of traffic lights led to crash with road deletion tool
FIX: (z9999) traffic light postion with drive on left fixed
FIX: (z9999) filter overcrowded did not work in haltlist
FIX: right map rotation in non-isometric view
FIX: removing station from ground with other station one bridge/in tunnel could result in display/naming errors
FIX: (marcr) minutes were wrong in no-month mode
FIX: (robofish) underline error for help text H1 tags
FIX: unreservation during convoi/track deletion fixed
FIX: (z9999) factory reader and colors in minimap were wrong
ADD: cityrules new parameter u/U ground is not/well suited for road
ADD: cityrules new parameter renovation_percentage (default 12) to finetune new building/renovation ratio
FIX: schedule was one off during reloading (and driving one field) due to missing initialisation of check_for_finish in vehikel_t(welt)
FIX: convoi stuck on a slope, if pos_next was wrong
CHANGE: calc_height only called if needed (about 5% faster game)
ADD: (tomilepp) empty capacity line to freight_sorter
CHANGE: sync_list changed from slist_tpl to ptrhashtable_tpl => remove from 5% to 0.3% game time for all sync-objects (cars, pedestrians, animated buildings, smoke, ... )
FIX: wrong outdated flag due to missing initialisation after loading of a convoi
FIX: overflow in money frame color calculation
ADD: now three lists for connecting stations, depending on the freight type => about 50% faster route search
CHANGE: different (more compact) list of stations connected at a stop
FIX: (kierongreen) stationnames in tunnels
FIX: (z9999) monorail station extension buildings
FIX: convoi could break up when during loadtime it was on its finaly tile (also new detection for already broken convois)
ADD: speed record for all kind of convois
FIX: vehicles may have been saved with wrong pos_prev, which may caused errors at waypoints/stations
FIX: blue night light finally working
ADD: automatic line breaks in building description texts (inspired by tron)
FIX: error with stale goods after deleting served stops
FIX: no crashes with overlong headquarter strings
CHANGE: more cpu-friendly wait for no route/waiting before a signal (and less fast stuck tooltips)
FIX: finally really loading the Pxxx.bdf fonts (and generated new bdf-font based on old ones)
ADD: (kierongreen) ways will look for replacement during loadtime in no matching besch found
FIX: convoi speed reset to zero at traffic lights
CHANGE: faster sorting in haltlist for waiting amount
CHANGE: much faster scrolling with right mousebutton (previously this made an update for every pixel move)

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Simutrans 99.13 - von prissi - 04-07-2007, Wednesday-10:04:39
RE: Simutrans 99.13 - von Gast123 - 04-07-2007, Wednesday-13:51:57
[Kein Betreff] - von DirrrtyDirk - 05-07-2007, Thursday-13:19:41
[Kein Betreff] - von prissi - 05-07-2007, Thursday-14:11:58
[Kein Betreff] - von Dwachs - 06-07-2007, Friday-11:15:40
RE: Simutrans 99.13 - von Andy386 - 09-07-2007, Monday-13:23:04

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